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Aug 20, 2012
Washington State


Welcome to my Star Wars Memorabilia based home theater room. Star Wars is what got me into HT, and now into collecting Star Wars statues, 1:1 busts, and dioramas from Sideshow Collectibles. I update as new product arrives so check back now and then. Thank you for visiting and enjoy:














Shelving - Ikea Besta Bookcases with Vassbo Doors
TV Stand - Transdeco TD655B
Star Wars Collection - Sideshow Collectibles, Code 3, and others
TV - Vizio E600i-B3
Bluray - PS3 Slim
Receiver - Yamaha RX-V663
7ch Amp - Emotiva UPA-7
Speakers - Energy CB-10's (6)
Sub - M&K MX-350THX
Cables / Interconnects - Monoprice


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Saw the new Thor, and loved it! Best one by far. Also saw TLJ trailer in 3D and it was epic!! Not a fan of 3D at all, but Damn it looked and sounded amazing!!

So, I'm getting an upgrade on MAUL that's going to run me $1400, so, it may be another week or 2 before I can get Boba. And, I still need to get the Battlefront 2 limited edition pack. FFS!!

As for the Rian Johnson news, I'm excited!! I hope by all new characters that they do indeed mean "all new!!" I mean nothing from legends or anything. All new!
Saw the new Thor, and loved it! Best one by far. Also saw TLJ trailer in 3D and it was epic!! Not a fan of 3D at all, but Damn it looked and sounded amazing!!

So, I'm getting an upgrade on MAUL that's going to run me $1400, so, it may be another week or 2 before I can get Boba. And, I still need to get the Battlefront 2 limited edition pack. FFS!!

As for the Rian Johnson news, I'm excited!! I hope by all new characters that they do indeed mean "all new!!" I mean nothing from legends or anything. All new!

Wow! I hope I get to see that trailer in 3D sometime!

$1400??? What are you having done? I'm going to wait till Battlefront 2 is $30 or less :LOL:.

I think going all new might be the best way to go. it will really keep everything fresh. Now I just hope they don't reuse the plot from ANH for the movie lol.

I watched those vids you put up on Instagram yesterday. Very cool! :thumbs: I really liked the old locomotive.
I don't think I've done anything nearly that crazy! I think the worst I got was in the parking lot after being super drunk where I was walking and puking at the same time. Later that night I was trying to call a girl I met at the bar but instead ended up calling my friend who was sitting right next to me driving the car :LOL:. You would have had to be there it was hilarious!

It sounds like neither one of us likes that comic very much.

I suppose that's quite possible. At least you'll know by the time you hit 40 you'll have a steady stream of SW pretty much non-stop. I think their TV show thing will get going much sooner though. They are going to want to get something really popular out on that new streaming service of theirs as soon as they can to get everyone signed up for it. And nothing would be more popular than Star Wars.

Ha, that's pretty good. The first time one my cousins got drunk, my brother kept calling his phone and when the voicemail came on he'd hand the phone to my cousin telling him it was one of his friends so my cousin left himself about 8 drunken voicemails.

I actually didn't like The Watchmen comic that much either. I thought maybe comics weren't for me when I first started reading them and didn't care for these so called classics.

I'm not even sure when their streaming service is supposed to launch?

Well the first Justice League reactions are starting to come out on social media, it sounds like if you love the MCU you will like Justice League.

So that means you won't like it? :p

I'm seeing the reviews for Punisher are pretty mixed. Although most of the negative ones seem to have a political agenda to them. I really wish they would have released a show about a veteran with PTSD this last Friday for Veterans Day! It would have been perfect. Why would they drop it the same day the Justice League movie comes out? Makes no sense.

Saw the new Thor, and loved it! Best one by far. Also saw TLJ trailer in 3D and it was epic!! Not a fan of 3D at all, but Damn it looked and sounded amazing!!

So, I'm getting an upgrade on MAUL that's going to run me $1400, so, it may be another week or 2 before I can get Boba. And, I still need to get the Battlefront 2 limited edition pack. FFS!!

As for the Rian Johnson news, I'm excited!! I hope by all new characters that they do indeed mean "all new!!" I mean nothing from legends or anything. All new!

Ragnarok was definitely the best of the three Thor movies, it's not even close really.

So what are you having done to your bike??

I just hope when they say "all new" that it's from an entirely different era as well. That's more important to me than anything.
Ha, that's pretty good. The first time one my cousins got drunk, my brother kept calling his phone and when the voicemail came on he'd hand the phone to my cousin telling him it was one of his friends so my cousin left himself about 8 drunken voicemails.

I actually didn't like The Watchmen comic that much either. I thought maybe comics weren't for me when I first started reading them and didn't care for these so called classics.

I'm not even sure when their streaming service is supposed to launch?

So that means you won't like it? :p

I'm seeing the reviews for Punisher are pretty mixed. Although most of the negative ones seem to have a political agenda to them. I really wish they would have released a show about a veteran with PTSD this last Friday for Veterans Day! It would have been perfect. Why would they drop it the same day the Justice League movie comes out? Makes no sense.

Ragnarok was definitely the best of the three Thor movies, it's not even close really.

So what are you having done to your bike??

I just hope when they say "all new" that it's from an entirely different era as well. That's more important to me than anything.

LMAO! That sounds like it must have been a fun time.

I haven't read that comic but I wasn't a huge fan of the movie either.

I'm not sure when its supposed to launch either. I probably won't even get it unless the SW show ends up being so good I can't pass on it.

Ha! Probably not :p. I think its more that I'm just tired of the Marvel movies. If they weren't releasing multiple MCU movies a year I'd probably still be okay with them. But since they won't do that I'm just going to remain burned out on them unless they can show me they are capable of making a different type of movie again like they did with The Winter Soldier. But having said all of that from what I've heard I think you will be very happy with how they are handling the character of Superman after this movie.

Marvel is just trying to eff with the Justice League's box office. That's the only thing I can think of for why they'd release The Punisher on the same day.

I'm in the super minority but the first Thor is in my top 3 favorite MCU movies. So I'm not planning on Ragnarok on topping it for me.
LMAO! That sounds like it must have been a fun time.

I haven't read that comic but I wasn't a huge fan of the movie either.

I'm not sure when its supposed to launch either. I probably won't even get it unless the SW show ends up being so good I can't pass on it.

Ha! Probably not :p. I think its more that I'm just tired of the Marvel movies. If they weren't releasing multiple MCU movies a year I'd probably still be okay with them. But since they won't do that I'm just going to remain burned out on them unless they can show me they are capable of making a different type of movie again like they did with The Winter Soldier. But having said all of that from what I've heard I think you will be very happy with how they are handling the character of Superman after this movie.

Marvel is just trying to eff with the Justice League's box office. That's the only thing I can think of for why they'd release The Punisher on the same day.

I'm in the super minority but the first Thor is in my top 3 favorite MCU movies. So I'm not planning on Ragnarok on topping it for me.

You would pass on a live action Star Wars show? That's blasphemy! :p

I still don't get how three 2 hour movies for an entire year is over kill, ha. Especially since they're all about different characters and world building towards the Infinity War! Superman better be awesome or I'm blaming you! ;)

I'm extremely annoyed at Netflix for doing that, mostly because I had Friday off last week for Veteran's Day so it would have been super convenient for me if it had released that day. I'm guessing I'm not the only one that was off that day so I find it silly they waited. I have plans this coming weekend so I may not be able to watch it...although I have no desire to watch football anymore so maybe on Sunday I can marathon it.

The first Thor was decent, the second is in my bottom two along with Iron Man 3. I honestly don't even remember the second, it was that forgettable. I remember both of those came out in 2013 and completely turned me off on the MCU, but then 2014 brought out Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy and totally redeemed them. I remember I didn't even go to Winter Soldier until the last week it was in the theater because I didn't trust the MCU after the previous year. There were maybe 2 other people there, it was kind of nice.
You would pass on a live action Star Wars show? That's blasphemy! :p

I still don't get how three 2 hour movies for an entire year is over kill, ha. Especially since they're all about different characters and world building towards the Infinity War! Superman better be awesome or I'm blaming you! ;)

I'm extremely annoyed at Netflix for doing that, mostly because I had Friday off last week for Veteran's Day so it would have been super convenient for me if it had released that day. I'm guessing I'm not the only one that was off that day so I find it silly they waited. I have plans this coming weekend so I may not be able to watch it...although I have no desire to watch football anymore so maybe on Sunday I can marathon it.

The first Thor was decent, the second is in my bottom two along with Iron Man 3. I honestly don't even remember the second, it was that forgettable. I remember both of those came out in 2013 and completely turned me off on the MCU, but then 2014 brought out Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy and totally redeemed them. I remember I didn't even go to Winter Soldier until the last week it was in the theater because I didn't trust the MCU after the previous year. There were maybe 2 other people there, it was kind of nice.

I probably won't pass on it, but if it turns out to be a live action show of Rebels quality I really don't see myself spending extra money to watch it. I'm hoping its going to be awesome though.

I don't know they just feel all the same. I hate to sound like a whiner but I'm not the only one that feels this way, even my brother who loves the MCU characters way more than me thinks they are becoming too formulaic. The Winter Soldier was just so fresh. I'm not saying they should break away from their formula, I'm just wishing they'd throw a completely different movie in there every 3 or 4 movies, and slow down on their releases. I'm totally going to be saying the same thing about Star Wars 5 years from now, and I'm really not looking forward to being this bitter but I know I'm going to be :mad:.

Well I'm not so sure Superman is going to be quite what you want in this movie yet, but Cavill has stated multiple times on the press junket for this movie that going forward Superman is going to be the Superman that everyone has been looking for.

That would have been cooler to release it on Veteran's Day for sure. But they really want to stick it to DC it looks like. I'd actually be kind of shocked if they don't release their Infinity War trailer the day Justice League opens too. I watched the Cowboys game yesterday, that was tough to watch. I still think your team will end up doing better than mine by the end of the season.

Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 are my two least favorite Marvel films as well. I don't really remember the second Thor either, but then again I don't really remember more than half of the recent MCU films either :LOL:. I seriously can't remember which one is Age of Ultron and which one is Civil War. Guardians was cool and it took me awhile to accept its silliness, I didn't even like any of the trailers for the movie, but once I saw it I liked it. But now its like the entire MCU is trying to bandwagon on the silliness thing and its just turning me off it.

Edit: I just watched a Justice League post-credits scene online :woot:
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I probably won't pass on it, but if it turns out to be a live action show of Rebels quality I really don't see myself spending extra money to watch it. I'm hoping its going to be awesome though.

I don't know they just feel all the same. I hate to sound like a whiner but I'm not the only one that feels this way, even my brother who loves the MCU characters way more than me thinks they are becoming too formulaic. The Winter Soldier was just so fresh. I'm not saying they should break away from their formula, I'm just wishing they'd throw a completely different movie in there every 3 or 4 movies, and slow down on their releases. I'm totally going to be saying the same thing about Star Wars 5 years from now, and I'm really not looking forward to being this bitter but I know I'm going to be :mad:.

Well I'm not so sure Superman is going to be quite what you want in this movie yet, but Cavill has stated multiple times on the press junket for this movie that going forward Superman is going to be the Superman that everyone has been looking for.

That would have been cooler to release it on Veteran's Day for sure. But they really want to stick it to DC it looks like. I'd actually be kind of shocked if they don't release their Infinity War trailer the day Justice League opens too. I watched the Cowboys game yesterday, that was tough to watch. I still think your team will end up doing better than mine by the end of the season.

Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 are my two least favorite Marvel films as well. I don't really remember the second Thor either, but then again I don't really remember more than half of the recent MCU films either :LOL:. I seriously can't remember which one is Age of Ultron and which one is Civil War. Guardians was cool and it took me awhile to accept its silliness, I didn't even like any of the trailers for the movie, but once I saw it I liked it. But now its like the entire MCU is trying to bandwagon on the silliness thing and its just turning me off it.

Edit: I just watched a Justice League post-credits scene online :woot:

I'm pretty sure Rebels is geared more towards kids. I doubt a live action show will be the same.

A lot of the MCU movies are similar, especially all the character introduction movies. There's not much they can do other than introduce a villain then have the hero defeat him in the end. Winter Soldier is probably the only one where the "bad guy" escaped. I'm still mad they killed off Ronan in GotG...especially if the plan is to expand the cosmic universe. He's kind of an important character who they ruined then tossed aside. Age of Ultron has the silly Ultron robot, Quicksilver, and the foreign city that gets lifted into the air. Civil War has a cool airport fight scene. Ultron was pretty disappointing. Civil War had some great fight scenes and was better for the most part. I remember Tony annoyed me a lot in Civil War. I loved Iron Man when these movies first started, now I don't really care all that much for him.

Too bad they didn't just make Superman correctly in the first place! How did you already find a post-credit scene? The movie isn't even out yet!
I'm pretty sure Rebels is geared more towards kids. I doubt a live action show will be the same.

A lot of the MCU movies are similar, especially all the character introduction movies. There's not much they can do other than introduce a villain then have the hero defeat him in the end. Winter Soldier is probably the only one where the "bad guy" escaped. I'm still mad they killed off Ronan in GotG...especially if the plan is to expand the cosmic universe. He's kind of an important character who they ruined then tossed aside. Age of Ultron has the silly Ultron robot, Quicksilver, and the foreign city that gets lifted into the air. Civil War has a cool airport fight scene. Ultron was pretty disappointing. Civil War had some great fight scenes and was better for the most part. I remember Tony annoyed me a lot in Civil War. I loved Iron Man when these movies first started, now I don't really care all that much for him.

Too bad they didn't just make Superman correctly in the first place! How did you already find a post-credit scene? The movie isn't even out yet!

Hopefully it won't be. I think I'm only saying that because I'm not sure exactly what this Disney streaming service is going to offer and if it has Disney in the title I think most of the stuff will be kid-centered. I could be way off though. The thought of a live action SW show is extremely exciting though, besides new SW movies a tv show was always my #1 want out of SW.

I think as of now Guardians is my currently favorite thing in the MCU, but I just don't have the desire to rewatch the rest of the MCU movies anymore. Just like how I can't get you to rewatch BvS :p. Speaking of which have you watched the BvS Ultimate Edition yet? It really changes a lot of things and gives a lot more depth to Lex's plot as well as gives Clark Kent a lot more of a story. Not to mention it tells you why Superman didn't save anyone when Lex blew up the Capitol Building.

I don't know but it leaked online with what looks like Chinese subtitles. I know there were a couple early screenings around the world recently.
Hopefully it won't be. I think I'm only saying that because I'm not sure exactly what this Disney streaming service is going to offer and if it has Disney in the title I think most of the stuff will be kid-centered. I could be way off though. The thought of a live action SW show is extremely exciting though, besides new SW movies a tv show was always my #1 want out of SW.

I think as of now Guardians is my currently favorite thing in the MCU, but I just don't have the desire to rewatch the rest of the MCU movies anymore. Just like how I can't get you to rewatch BvS :p. Speaking of which have you watched the BvS Ultimate Edition yet? It really changes a lot of things and gives a lot more depth to Lex's plot as well as gives Clark Kent a lot more of a story. Not to mention it tells you why Superman didn't save anyone when Lex blew up the Capitol Building.

I don't know but it leaked online with what looks like Chinese subtitles. I know there were a couple early screenings around the world recently.

I think their streaming service will be just like Netflix. I think part of the reason they were trying to buy 21st Century Fox was so they could have all of their movies/shows on their streaming service. That would mean Netflix would lose a crap ton of content since Disney is already going to pull all of their own stuff off of there. I have no idea what will happen with the Marvel shows. Netflix produced them so I guess technically they stay on Netflix, but who knows about that going forward.

The Guardians rule. You should read that entire cosmic universe comic book list I posted a while back, it's awesome! And no, I still haven't watched the BvS ultimate edition.

So where can I find this ending scene so I don't have to sit through the credits when I go? :p

Also, how do you think I should attempt to sell my Thanos? Should I wait until I get it then put it on eBay or should it list it and then just have Sideshow ship it straight to the winner? That makes me nervous because then it wouldn't be insured.
I think their streaming service will be just like Netflix. I think part of the reason they were trying to buy 21st Century Fox was so they could have all of their movies/shows on their streaming service. That would mean Netflix would lose a crap ton of content since Disney is already going to pull all of their own stuff off of there. I have no idea what will happen with the Marvel shows. Netflix produced them so I guess technically they stay on Netflix, but who knows about that going forward.

The Guardians rule. You should read that entire cosmic universe comic book list I posted a while back, it's awesome! And no, I still haven't watched the BvS ultimate edition.

So where can I find this ending scene so I don't have to sit through the credits when I go? :p

Also, how do you think I should attempt to sell my Thanos? Should I wait until I get it then put it on eBay or should it list it and then just have Sideshow ship it straight to the winner? That makes me nervous because then it wouldn't be insured.

That makes sense. I guess I haven't really been following all of the details to this thing. Netflix will probably let the Marvel shows go to Disney once Disney ponies up some serious cash for them.

Ha! I don't even think you could get me to read all of those even if they were about Batman! It would literally take me 10+ years to get through them. I am seriously in shock you haven't even watched the Ultimate cut of BvS though. You do know Superman is in the movie right?

It looks like it was taken down, but I saved it beforehand because I thought this would happen. If you want I can upload it to youtube privately so you can see it? You might have to sit through the credits anyways because I heard there are 2 scenes.

Are you sure you're going to want to sell your Thanos? Maybe you should at least look at it first.

Edit: Okay, I uploaded it. It does cut off after 1 min though so its not all there. But it pretty exciting though.

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That makes sense. I guess I haven't really been following all of the details to this thing. Netflix will probably let the Marvel shows go to Disney once Disney ponies up some serious cash for them.

Ha! I don't even think you could get me to read all of those even if they were about Batman! It would literally take me 10+ years to get through them. I am seriously in shock you haven't even watched the Ultimate cut of BvS though. You do know Superman is in the movie right?

It looks like it was taken down, but I saved it beforehand because I thought this would happen. If you want I can upload it to youtube privately so you can see it? You might have to sit through the credits anyways because I heard there are 2 scenes.

Are you sure you're going to want to sell your Thanos? Maybe you should at least look at it first.

Edit: Okay, I uploaded it. It does cut off after 1 min though so its not all there. But it pretty exciting though.

Can you imagine dark Punisher or Daredevil on a Disney streaming service? Ha ha, okay I guess I am questioning them a little bit.

I am very aware that some dark imposter who claims to be Superman is in BvS. Maybe the MoS and BvS Superman is actually the New 52 Superman.

It looks like Warner Brothers already blocked that video you uploaded, but nice try. I'll just wait until I see the movie.

Nah, I need to get rid of all my 1/4 scale Marvel statues. I need to cut down on my collecting. I always saw pictures online of these huge, awesome collections and was trying to build something like that, but I'd rather just focus on the characters I really love and stop spending so much money. Besides, I could sell Thanos and buy a 4K TV!
Can you imagine dark Punisher or Daredevil on a Disney streaming service? Ha ha, okay I guess I am questioning them a little bit.

I am very aware that some dark imposter who claims to be Superman is in BvS. Maybe the MoS and BvS Superman is actually the New 52 Superman.

It looks like Warner Brothers already blocked that video you uploaded, but nice try. I'll just wait until I see the movie.

Nah, I need to get rid of all my 1/4 scale Marvel statues. I need to cut down on my collecting. I always saw pictures online of these huge, awesome collections and was trying to build something like that, but I'd rather just focus on the characters I really love and stop spending so much money. Besides, I could sell Thanos and buy a 4K TV!

LOL. This is what I'm saying. If its a true Disney streaming service they are going to have to stick to kiddie things. And then I probably wouldn't be that interested in their SW show. But if they call it something else and include all of the other companies they own then I think we could see The Punisher and Daredevil show up on there, and the SW show could be done really well.

Ha ha! I am realizing I will never be able to get you to like MoS or BvS :p. I probably like this version of him so much because they made him dark like Batman :LOL:.

OMG that was fast! They even saw through my fake video title!

Excellent plan! I'm always afraid to encourage you or discourage you from certain pieces because your likes are different then mine and I don't want you to buy something you don't need, or have you miss something you do need. But you can't go wrong with a 4K TV! :thumbs:
Wow! I hope I get to see that trailer in 3D sometime!

$1400??? What are you having done? I'm going to wait till Battlefront 2 is $30 or less :LOL:.

I think going all new might be the best way to go. it will really keep everything fresh. Now I just hope they don't reuse the plot from ANH for the movie lol.

I watched those vids you put up on Instagram yesterday. Very cool! :thumbs: I really liked the old locomotive.

Thanks man. Funny because we were driving home from the state volleyball tournament, and decided to take the scenic route. Found that Stonehenge place and a sign for the train about 60 miles later that took us to a little town we had no idea was there. Their store is a bar, Lol!

Everything has been done before, so I'm not getting my hopes up for something new like ANH, The Matrix, or The Fifth Element. Still, I've been surprised by some new movies.

I'm getting a full race system exhaust put on MAUL. Was going to do the one I showed you guys, but went with a different one that's supposed to give me an extra 10-12hp. Not to mention the exhaust is full carbon fiber.

I've decided I'll be getting the ps4 that has Vader on it that came out a couple years back with the first BF. I have no need for the PS4pro since I don't have a 4k TV, and I read it's not true 4k anyway. It'll save me $200 goong that route.

Ha, that's pretty good. The first time one my cousins got drunk, my brother kept calling his phone and when the voicemail came on he'd hand the phone to my cousin telling him it was one of his friends so my cousin left himself about 8 drunken voicemails.

I actually didn't like The Watchmen comic that much either. I thought maybe comics weren't for me when I first started reading them and didn't care for these so called classics.

I'm not even sure when their streaming service is supposed to launch?

So that means you won't like it? :p

I'm seeing the reviews for Punisher are pretty mixed. Although most of the negative ones seem to have a political agenda to them. I really wish they would have released a show about a veteran with PTSD this last Friday for Veterans Day! It would have been perfect. Why would they drop it the same day the Justice League movie comes out? Makes no sense.

Ragnarok was definitely the best of the three Thor movies, it's not even close really.

So what are you having done to your bike??

I just hope when they say "all new" that it's from an entirely different era as well. That's more important to me than anything.

They say from another corner of the galaxy, so who knows WTH that means, Lol!

Full system race exhaust. I'm totally stoked for it!!

I really like all of them. Especially the first one, but I found the last Thor more entertaining.
LOL. This is what I'm saying. If its a true Disney streaming service they are going to have to stick to kiddie things. And then I probably wouldn't be that interested in their SW show. But if they call it something else and include all of the other companies they own then I think we could see The Punisher and Daredevil show up on there, and the SW show could be done really well.

Ha ha! I am realizing I will never be able to get you to like MoS or BvS :p. I probably like this version of him so much because they made him dark like Batman :LOL:.

OMG that was fast! They even saw through my fake video title!

Excellent plan! I'm always afraid to encourage you or discourage you from certain pieces because your likes are different then mine and I don't want you to buy something you don't need, or have you miss something you do need. But you can't go wrong with a 4K TV! :thumbs:

I can't imagine Disney could have a streaming service with only G and PG rated material.

I had such a bad experience with MoS, I just don't have good feelings towards it! Superman isn't supposed to be dark!

I definitely need a new TV. My current TV is old. So how should I sell my Thanos?

Have you seen this picture? I think if Sideshow's Darkseid had been somewhere in between these two sizes it would have been perfect. Those are both 1/4 scale by the way.


Thanks man. Funny because we were driving home from the state volleyball tournament, and decided to take the scenic route. Found that Stonehenge place and a sign for the train about 60 miles later that took us to a little town we had no idea was there. Their store is a bar, Lol!

Everything has been done before, so I'm not getting my hopes up for something new like ANH, The Matrix, or The Fifth Element. Still, I've been surprised by some new movies.

I'm getting a full race system exhaust put on MAUL. Was going to do the one I showed you guys, but went with a different one that's supposed to give me an extra 10-12hp. Not to mention the exhaust is full carbon fiber.

I've decided I'll be getting the ps4 that has Vader on it that came out a couple years back with the first BF. I have no need for the PS4pro since I don't have a 4k TV, and I read it's not true 4k anyway. It'll save me $200 goong that route.

They say from another corner of the galaxy, so who knows WTH that means, Lol!

Full system race exhaust. I'm totally stoked for it!!

I really like all of them. Especially the first one, but I found the last Thor more entertaining.

I don't know exactly what your new exhaust will do, does that mean you can go fast as hell?

See, I don't want to buy a PS4 because it's not 4K. I'd rather wait for the next system to come out.

I just hope another corner of the galaxy means a whole other era!
Thanks man. Funny because we were driving home from the state volleyball tournament, and decided to take the scenic route. Found that Stonehenge place and a sign for the train about 60 miles later that took us to a little town we had no idea was there. Their store is a bar, Lol!

Everything has been done before, so I'm not getting my hopes up for something new like ANH, The Matrix, or The Fifth Element. Still, I've been surprised by some new movies.

I'm getting a full race system exhaust put on MAUL. Was going to do the one I showed you guys, but went with a different one that's supposed to give me an extra 10-12hp. Not to mention the exhaust is full carbon fiber.

I've decided I'll be getting the ps4 that has Vader on it that came out a couple years back with the first BF. I have no need for the PS4pro since I don't have a 4k TV, and I read it's not true 4k anyway. It'll save me $200 goong that route.

They say from another corner of the galaxy, so who knows WTH that means, Lol!

Full system race exhaust. I'm totally stoked for it!!

I really like all of them. Especially the first one, but I found the last Thor more entertaining.

OMG that's cool! You can go shopping while getting drunk! I really think that old gas station you found will be an awesome spot to photograph MAUL!

The next thing that surprises us definitely won't be Star Wars. Maybe someone will come out with a fresh idea in the next decade. After that they will make countless sequels of it and run it into the ground.

I bet that will sound phenomenal!

I keep trying to figure out if they were trying to give a hint when they said another corner of the galaxy, or if it just means something new.

I can't imagine Disney could have a streaming service with only G and PG rated material.

I had such a bad experience with MoS, I just don't have good feelings towards it! Superman isn't supposed to be dark!

I definitely need a new TV. My current TV is old. So how should I sell my Thanos?

Have you seen this picture? I think if Sideshow's Darkseid had been somewhere in between these two sizes it would have been perfect. Those are both 1/4 scale by the way.


I don't know exactly what your new exhaust will do, does that mean you can go fast as hell?

See, I don't want to buy a PS4 because it's not 4K. I'd rather wait for the next system to come out.

I just hope another corner of the galaxy means a whole other era!

I'd hope not but when someone says Disney to me the first thing I think of is cartoons. I'm sure they'll call it something else and they probably won't even put Disney in the title.

The only thing I can say about MoS is it can be an acquired taste. I've seen a lot of Superman purists that are not happy with it, but I've seen others love it. I think there is an end credits scene of JL you will really like.

Hmm... Is the EX selling above retail on eBay yet? I'd be so leery of selling a piece you don't have yet, and aren't getting for who knows how long. Have you thought of just cancelling it? That's probably a stupid question lol. If you waited till you got it in hand do you think you could sell it for a profit? Are you really sure you're going to want to sell this thing? I really have a feeling once you see it in hand that's going to make you rethink what you are collecting. I mean he looks really massive!

That's not even comparable! I can't believe those are supposed to be the same scale. Man, Sideshow sucks. I can't believe you ordered a $1200 statue from them after that fiasco! :p
OMG that's cool! You can go shopping while getting drunk! I really think that old gas station you found will be an awesome spot to photograph MAUL!

The next thing that surprises us definitely won't be Star Wars. Maybe someone will come out with a fresh idea in the next decade. After that they will make countless sequels of it and run it into the ground.

I bet that will sound phenomenal!

I keep trying to figure out if they were trying to give a hint when they said another corner of the galaxy, or if it just means something new.

I'd hope not but when someone says Disney to me the first thing I think of is cartoons. I'm sure they'll call it something else and they probably won't even put Disney in the title.

The only thing I can say about MoS is it can be an acquired taste. I've seen a lot of Superman purists that are not happy with it, but I've seen others love it. I think there is an end credits scene of JL you will really like.

Hmm... Is the EX selling above retail on eBay yet? I'd be so leery of selling a piece you don't have yet, and aren't getting for who knows how long. Have you thought of just cancelling it? That's probably a stupid question lol. If you waited till you got it in hand do you think you could sell it for a profit? Are you really sure you're going to want to sell this thing? I really have a feeling once you see it in hand that's going to make you rethink what you are collecting. I mean he looks really massive!

That's not even comparable! I can't believe those are supposed to be the same scale. Man, Sideshow sucks. I can't believe you ordered a $1200 statue from them after that fiasco! :p

Drunk shopping is a bad thing, we already established this, ha ha.

I will have to sit through the credits when I go. Lately I've been too impatient for that and since it's usually never significant enough, I don't care that much.

The last Thanos EX auction on eBay says it sold for $3K...did it actually sell for that price, I don't know. I messaged the seller to see if the buyer paid him and how he was going to go forward with shipping, but he didn't reply to me. I've seen people listing them on the Facebook groups for around $2K or more and apparently people were buying them. And yes, I'm sure. I'm not enough of a Marvel comic book universe fan to have a bunch of 1:4 scale statues, especially since I won't have any 1:4 DC statues and that universe is my first love. If it were 1:6 scale I would keep it, but not at that size. Besides, if I can flip it for a big profit then I could basically buy a $2K TV for $1.2K and that seems like a good deal to me, ha.

Yes, I know. I can't believe I even ordered that Darkseid after originally cancelling it. I'm so dumb. I got suckered in because it's a Superman villain. Someone pointed out that while Sideshow loves their Captain Morgan poses, apparently bowling poses are Prime 1's thing.
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Drunk shopping is a bad thing, we already established this, ha ha.

I will have to sit through the credits when I go. Lately I've been too impatient for that and since it's usually never significant enough, I don't care that much.

The last Thanos EX auction on eBay says it sold for $3K...did it actually sell for that price, I don't know. I messaged the seller to see if the buyer paid him and how he was going to go forward with shipping, but he didn't reply to me. I've seen people listing them on the Facebook groups for around $2K or more and apparently people were buying them. And yes, I'm sure. I'm not enough of a Marvel comic book universe fan to have a bunch of 1:4 scale statues, especially since I won't have any 1:4 DC statues and that universe is my first love. If it were 1:6 scale I would keep it, but not at that size. Besides, if I can flip it for a big profit then I could basically buy a $2K TV for $1.2K and that seems like a good deal to me, ha.

Yes, I know. I can't believe I even ordered that Darkseid after originally cancelling it. I'm so dumb. I got suckered in because it's a Superman villain. Someone pointed out that while Sideshow loves their Captain Morgan poses, apparently bowling poses are Prime 1's thing.

Ha oh yeah. I think I'm going to preplan for some online drunk shopping for black Friday!

Well at least you'll be happy you did I think. I've been pretty spoiler-free for this movie so far minus the 2 end credit scenes which I saw parts of. I'm excited for both of them.

Well if you can get $3K out of it you have to sell the thing! Even $2k would be good. I guess you should probably do it sooner rather than later because I don't see people paying anywhere near that much later when they'll be able to order an in-stock regular for less than half of that. But I'd be worried about getting burned somehow. Do you know what eBay rules are for a preorder item? I don't remember them all but I think you are supposed to deliver it to them in a certain amount of time or they can get their money back. It would be nice to get $3K but I'd definitely hold onto every penny of that until I was sure everything with the sale went through.

LOL. I'll have to go look at that, I never realized because all the pieces I order from them are pretty much in a museum pose. Did you end up ordering the Lex Luthor PF?
Ha oh yeah. I think I'm going to preplan for some online drunk shopping for black Friday!

Well at least you'll be happy you did I think. I've been pretty spoiler-free for this movie so far minus the 2 end credit scenes which I saw parts of. I'm excited for both of them.

Well if you can get $3K out of it you have to sell the thing! Even $2k would be good. I guess you should probably do it sooner rather than later because I don't see people paying anywhere near that much later when they'll be able to order an in-stock regular for less than half of that. But I'd be worried about getting burned somehow. Do you know what eBay rules are for a preorder item? I don't remember them all but I think you are supposed to deliver it to them in a certain amount of time or they can get their money back. It would be nice to get $3K but I'd definitely hold onto every penny of that until I was sure everything with the sale went through.

LOL. I'll have to go look at that, I never realized because all the pieces I order from them are pretty much in a museum pose. Did you end up ordering the Lex Luthor PF?

What are you planning on buying on Black Friday? All I really want is season 10 of The Big Bang Theory on blu-ray...let me know if you see it on sale somewhere. :p

Yeah, if I can make even a $500 profit then I'm selling. I just looked up the rules and you have to clearly state it's a preorder item and the item has to be shipping within 30 days of the end of the auction. So maybe when I get the two week shipping notice I can list it on there...or I could try the facebook sale pages. I just know people on there get annoyed whenever someone puts their Thanos on there. The one currently on there is the Thanos EX + the print and the guy is asking over $3K, he has been harassed/mocked pretty badly.

Well the Darkseid, Doomsday, and Killer Croc all look like they just threw a bowling ball. And yes, I did order Lex...then I sold my Batman and Joker PFs to pay for him. Of course the person who bought my Joker PF backed out so I had to relist it. I hate eBay. It's so annoying when you have an auction up for a week then when it finally ends you have to relist it again. The last time someone did that to me, they literally sent me a cancellation request within a minute of the auction ending. I actually ignored their request and filed an unpaid item against them so they got a strike on their account. This last person paid me, but then e-mailed me that he didn't read the item description before bidding so wanted to cancel now. People are dumb.
What are you planning on buying on Black Friday? All I really want is season 10 of The Big Bang Theory on blu-ray...let me know if you see it on sale somewhere. :p

Yeah, if I can make even a $500 profit then I'm selling. I just looked up the rules and you have to clearly state it's a preorder item and the item has to be shipping within 30 days of the end of the auction. So maybe when I get the two week shipping notice I can list it on there...or I could try the facebook sale pages. I just know people on there get annoyed whenever someone puts their Thanos on there. The one currently on there is the Thanos EX + the print and the guy is asking over $3K, he has been harassed/mocked pretty badly.

Well the Darkseid, Doomsday, and Killer Croc all look like they just threw a bowling ball. And yes, I did order Lex...then I sold my Batman and Joker PFs to pay for him. Of course the person who bought my Joker PF backed out so I had to relist it. I hate eBay. It's so annoying when you have an auction up for a week then when it finally ends you have to relist it again. The last time someone did that to me, they literally sent me a cancellation request within a minute of the auction ending. I actually ignored their request and filed an unpaid item against them so they got a strike on their account. This last person paid me, but then e-mailed me that he didn't read the item description before bidding so wanted to cancel now. People are dumb.

I think I'm going to get the Batman & Harley Quinn movie Blu-Ray that was on sale somewhere but now I can't remember where :LOL:. I'll have to go look it up again. Usually I pick up a few blu-rays from Best Buy every Black Friday. I order online though, you won't catch me in any actual store that day! I'll keep an eye out for Big Bang Theory Season 10 for you. I know a lot of places throw a lot of blu-rays on their $10 or $15 sales that they don't even list that day.

30 days??? Man anyone selling a Sideshow piece a year or so out could get completely screwed if someone that bought it decides to cancel their purchase. That Facebook group sounds rough! LOL.

I'm so happy you ordered Lex! :thumbs: Sucks to hear about your Joker PF sale though. I hate having to relist auctions, everything I list now I just list it as a BIN and I require immediate payment. Good thing you gave that one guy a strike though, you must be merciless on ebay!