[WINNER CHOSEN] SWEET Candy and My 5,000th Post Give-Away!


Ltd. Ed./Birthdays/Video Game Mod
Premium Supporter
May 18, 2013

When the NEW Forums were launched earlier this year, I offered a one of a kind Give-Away of Candy! :woot: I had such a BLAST with it that I'm happy to announce my NEXT one! :thumbs: What's the occasion you ask? To celebrate my 5,000th Post!
And to spread some Holiday and NINJA Spirit!

I'll be giving away this HUGE Candy Cane and a copy of the Hobbit Extended Edition Steelbook!

(Sorry, my hand is not included! :D)

Rules to ENTER:

If you were to Give me or yourself a Candy Wizard/Hobbit/Elf/ or Ogre name, what would it be!? :woot: :cool: Lord Taco Slayer is an example! ;p

and/or for FUN:
Photoshop my head onto any Christmas or The Hobbit/LotR Movie Scene! LOL! :D

The Hobbit-Quest_for_Tacos.jpg

Candy Cane whoop ass!.jpg

Here are some of my Face templates! :ohno: :hilarious:
1_WTF Face.jpg 2_Gonna_Slap YOU_Face.jpg 3_Ugly_Fart_Face.jpg 4_Fu--ing WOW_Face.jpg 5_Smile_Face.jpg

The Give-Away will come to a close on Christmas Eve (12/24/14). I will not use Random.org to select a winner, I'm gonna let Cowboy do it again! ;) But this time I'll film it so @Ricker wont make claims of it being a set up! :p

*List of Participants:
1. @ocielz
2. @Ricker
3. @AcIDc0r3
4. @Blu-devil
6. @Agent_DVD
7. @whysoserious? *WINNER*
8. @PunkNinja
9. @KD Scorp
10. @zoneism
12. @satanclaus
13. @Antman
14. @pi2loc
15. @Towser
16. @dominic
17. @pdbluray
19. @galareta2332
20. @Jericho
21. @zesty
22. @Narg
23. @spass
24. @Kuzco
25. @Nyrvana


Cowboy has chosen the WINNER!!!!!!!!! :woot: :notworthy:

Part 1

Part 2

Congrats @whysoserious?! :thumbs:

Once again, THANKS to everyone that participated and supported my Give-Away! Stay tuned for my next one during NINJA WEEK 2015
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Okay to far maybe.
@pdbluray :oohyeah: :D :LOL: :joy: :hilarious: That's fu**ing AWESOME!!! :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: You're hilarious bro! My damn sides are hurting from laughing my ass off!

You look HOT Mamacita! :rofl:

I bet this is also your reaction every time there is a new Godzilla, TF4, or Pacific Rim release. :hilarious:

@PKAVFC LOL! :LOL: Hot MAMACITA indeed! :drool: :p

You're absolutely right my Amigo, that's exactly how I react! Especially like this :naughty:

LMFAO!!! :p That Reaction gif is priceless! See what you started @zesty! :hilarious: :rofl:
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The Mighty Lord "una dos equis por favor"


You all have to excuse my extremely talented ms paint skills. I've been doing this for years. :p
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The Mighty Lord "una dos equis por favor"


You all have to excuse my extremely talented ms paint skills. I've been doing this for years. :p
@spass The Mighty Lord "una dos equis por favor"!? :woot: I love it, especially your EPIC paint skills, you can just see your years of experience using it! :D :p
Lord Milky Tacolate :p
@Kuzco LOL! :hilarious: Lord Milky Tacolate from Tacolandia! :woot: ;)
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