Your Latest Blu-ray Slipcover Haul Photos

Nice!! :naughty:

Been after these myself for a while. Can you tell me where you got them? I would have to buy them online and I'm afraid they wouldn't come with the slips :(

I bought mine from The owner of the site, Cliff, takes a lot of care when people buy slipcovers. I highly recommend checking them out!
New Arrival For Me

Nice haul Bluprint. I want to use your picture to highlight a recent discovery on that Avengers slipcover. I might post more pictures later tonight but Blu's picture show the special lighting effect emitting from Stark's hand. This is only available in limited quantities for release day stock. New stock of this slipcover has come in at Target, Walmart and Best Buy that is missing this effect. Collectors look out for this.

EEK! I did an unboxing of the Wal-Mart Gift Set and was talking about how amazing that effect was and to think that its release day limited... this just became even more awesome! :drool:
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what's interesting about the Nightmare Collection is the Best Buy Exclusive sticker on the package which it states the expiration date of the exclusivity. I'd never seen that before. And it's too bad the slipbox isn't textured. That would've been a cool touch.

I hadn't even heard about this release, so thanks for posting the pic. Was just about to buy the UK version as it's on sale on amazon.