Working Out Thread

Ha, ironically enough I started a new 6-day training regime last week foregoing the P90x death march and implementing my own terrible routine.

Monday - Upper Body high weight
Tuesday - Lower Body high weight/Upper Body low weight
Wednesday - Rest Day with Cardio, currently a 3.5 mile walk/run and 30 minute ab workout (crunches/situps/leg lifts, etc...)
Thursday - Lower Body low weight/Upper Body medium weight
Friday - Upper Body max out
Saturday - Cardio.. 3.5 mile walk/run, 30 minutes on abs, and shoulder workouts with medium weights
Sunday - Core workouts

Week 1 sucked huge balls, Week 2 so far is a lot better, and I'm pushing 20lbs up from last monday. My legs are already pretty well stacked from all the skating, biking, etc in the past so my focus is mainly upper body.

Diet includes lots of chicken and turkey, whole grains, fruit, and some vegetables. Been keeping the protein intake at regular intervals 5 times a day, breakfast, mid morning, lunch, mid afternoon, and dinner after the workout. I take omega supplements because I just can't eat that much fish.

Started at 225 last year, currently 180lbs. Goal is to gain 15lbs lean muscle by end of year and knock out a ton of remaining fat from all the wonderful beer drinkin'

Fortunately my roommate is also working out with me so we are pushing each other past the "i don't wanna" attitudes.

Lookin' forward to droppin a 6 month comparison pic in october!
got my pace down to 8:20ish. start the runs off so well at under 8, but can't finish very strong. meh. annoying being out of shape lol
Any triathletes? Training for my first half ironman in May, we are going to be crazy too doing and OWS tonight and the lake is 42 degrees and I only have a shorty wetsuit. I did an Olympic in September while also training for a marathon, that is not a great idea by the way as man that brutalized me. That being said I think I will do the same this year with the Olympic being 3 weeks out of the marathon (funny thing is my wife is due on the day of the marathon and I told her she couldn't have the kid that day ;) )

Right now most of my races have been training races where as I have just been pacing so I don't have to pay to the race but can pace. I paced a half in January as the 2 hour pacer and am doing another pacer in March for the 2:10.

My schedule this year looks like this. I have a dualthon on Saturday (doing the Olympic 5k run, 24 mile bike and 5k run), then on the 23rd I am doing a half this will be one of my few pr races until the HiM in May going to get my sub 1:45 if it kills me missed my last two attempts. Then I am thinking of doing a 10k mid March and trying to pr on that as I have only ever done 2 10k's and I have been using my time from a half as my pr 48:xx, would like to see a sub 45 I think. Then pacing a half on March 23rd. Got a sprint triathlon in April going for a pr for a warmup for the ironman. Then thinking of doing a summer Olympic in June, doing another half pr attempt in July. Then the olympic in September with the marathon in October and one last half pr attempt in November. Might throw some other races in there not sure. I hate 5ks really hate them as I have to run a 5k just to warm up with all the brick I do as my legs don't want to get going until 30 minutes in.

I normally do
Monday rest
Tuesday Brick, 17 mile bike, 5-6 mile run
Wednesday double, 1500-2500 meter swim (will go OWS when it warms up more), 4-5 mile run.
Thursday Hill Brick, 17 mile bike, 5-6 mile hill workout run
Friday 1500-2500 meter swim
Saturday mix, sometimes brick, sometimes 10-12 mile run or race, sometimes 50+ mile bike (want to make a 50 mile bike and 5k brick next Saturday).
Sunday Long run, 12-18 miles (will increase to 20's every 3rd to 4th week when I hit marathon cycle).
Started doing p90x after I hurt my rotator cuff benching. Actually a pretty decent workout, I'm a big weight lifter so the adjustment takes a little getting used to but definitely a good workout.
I do crossfit 3, sometimes 4 nights a week. I love it! You're on such a high walking out of it, it almost feels like you're on drugs lol
I use an MMA kickbag and elliptical and will be resuming T25 soon. Other than that I try to fit in several sets of push ups each week.
gonna re-start Krav Maga/Defendo again.

means : gonna get my a's kicked daily and being bruiced all around but feeling good.

krav maga is not for ...... google it if you like.

Just remember folks.

80% nutrition and 20% gym.

Gym / working out will do nothing on it's own if your nutrition isn't spot on. Believe me. I've been from 20 stone down to 14 stone and yo yo'd back up to 21 stone in the past because I followed a boring diet.

Find a healthy eating plan that you enjoy and you will stick to it for life.
Just remember folks.

80% nutrition and 20% gym.

Gym / working out will do nothing on it's own if your nutrition isn't spot on. Believe me. I've been from 20 stone down to 14 stone and yo yo'd back up to 21 stone in the past because I followed a boring diet.

Find a healthy eating plan that you enjoy and you will stick to it for life.


i am a vegan.

like to practise. but do not want to bulk up too much. like to be agile and nible.
I think I like pizza too much to have a great diet. But I suppose I can shoot for good. I like working out not so much to lose pounds (but that doesn't hurt), but to feel good and just help stay fit for day to day stuff. Everything's easier when you are reasonably fit.
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Cardio boxing have been doing me a lot of good. I try to use weights just for toning. And as someone has mentioned Nutrition is a big factor in accomplishing your goals.
I go running every day, 4.5 miles but recently I have had 2 calf strains. Annoying as I cant run for a while with that.
Dont know why I'm getting calf problems [emoji35]