Buyer Beware / Bad Traders List (FORUM MEMBER ALERTS ONLY)


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
This thread has been created to provide insight for folks trading and buying. Sometimes knowing that a guy/gal has some or MANY successful trades/sales is good peace of mind.

IF THE PERSON DOESN'T HAVE LOTS OF GOOD TRADER RATING FEEDBACK, AND YOU DONT KNOW THEM, THEN PRIVATE MESSAGE a Trading Moderator. We can try to get you the info you need to feel safe and or make a safe trade/purchase!

As we all know, trading is at your own risk. However, we are able to stop many deals from turning sour if you enable us. We have one bad person who has been a scam artist at many HT/Blu-ray sites besides ours.
EBAY TRADER / BAD TRADER DISCUSSIONS - please visit this thread.

Bad Traders

Erik Schellekens
The above are all the same person - returned in Oct 2015 - Trading alert posted here

Other bad traders:

MEDIAMEX - continued to delay shipments, up to weeks at a time. Would not reimburse members for items already received. Appeared to source OOP items, after trade was agreed upon.

JEREMY13130 - member from France. States he has rare items for trade when he really does not. Be wary of members with no feedback that ask you to send first.

OSCARLUCY - owed shipments to members here, delayed due to a number of different stories. Supposedly recently shipped items out to members, after 5+ months of delays.

NELLYPLATINUM & YASAIRA1 - owed an item to a member here - trade occurred on another forum, had previously told trading mods he would make good on the amount owed. Never paid the seller.

DLEAVEY81 - owed steebook (paid for) to user here. No response on forum or via e-mail. Also has an outstanding trade issue at AVF forums.

SHONUFF6 - received items from a couple of members and has not visited this forum since the beginning of January 2013.

JEZHEAD - received items from one member and a HDN secret santa gift from another - sent nothing in return and has not visited this forum since December 2012.

93COBRA - also known as Fast Eddie - defrauded members on BD forums and you tube of hundreds of dollars of items. General trading alert posted here.

Marty mcFly - member from France. Owes members here items and has been delaying shipment since in contact with staff for weeks, some traders have been waiting months.

AMEN - sent a member here damaged steels and the wrong steelbook. Would not resolve the problem with the other member or respond to mod / staff requests for more info.

Top_cat2-failed to complete numerous trades/communicate. Numerous traders waiting for items for several months (some since 2012).

slackerz - failed to respond or to resolve a trading issue over months of promises to replace damaged items.

TIGER - took funds for a "pre-order" of items not in-hand to one member and wouldn't refund, also failed to fulfill 6 steelbook trade with another member.

Roverite - owes at least 10 members various steelbooks from GB's he hosted in 2013. Various attempts to communicate but to no avail.

humperklonk - Lack of communication to resolve trade issues backdating to end of last year. Owes one member 7x steels which were paid for but never sent the items. Another member is waiting on 1x steel to be sent.

Unisol1980 - Attempted to sell a High Value rare steelbook by randomly PM'ing members. This was after Trade Mods refused to approve his sales thread without him supplying the necessary references/info.

MrKrabs2013 - Created multiple account, which is NOT allowed on this forum. All the following names are the same person and have been banned:


Cobster - Owes various members £ and steelbooks - no communication + hasn't been online since 17th July.


The posts below are from when this was a Good Traders/Bad Traders list ... from the date this OP has been updated ... this thread will only serve as a Buyer Beware and Hall of Shame for those bad traders out there. If you need info on good traders view their trader rating under their avatar in the post bit (to the left) or PM a Mod.

I suggest you PM a mod for any deal over $75 if you dont know the person, regardless if they have 3 successful feedbacks etc. This is YOUR community as much as it is OURS, and we'll make the time everytime to make it as safe as possible for all.

Added 1/23/2012:

Just a general reminder - If you are experiencing difficulty with a trade at our site, feel free to contact a Trade Moderator, and we can provide suggestions on how to resolve the matter, if the trade took place at our site.

If, despite repeated attempts to resolve the trade/contact the trader, you do not receive any communication, or items, etc, please use the Feedback system in place at the site, or the rest of the community will not be aware of issues with traders. In addition, you have a limited time frame to file Paypal disputes, so please familiarize yourself with that process, just in case, to further protect yourself. In addition, the Staff will take action against accounts for repeat offenders if absolutely necessary.
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Looks like woodan is at it again!!!! On another forum he's managed to scam a lot of members, and not just a lil money. Got the following from a post, going under the name "Cees" a good friend of mine got burned real bad cause of this guy:( :(
Erik Schellekens
The above are all the same person.
Yeah, we warned them over there about this and they didn't listen. :(

Sorry that your friend got scammed. I saved a member here from that same mistake, but only because he had posted on that guys trade thread about the same transaction. :ohno:

By the way, both the aklass and vrising logins are still active over there. If you check Cees trading score, you'll notice that both of those logins left positive trade feedback.

Thanks for posting here - and just so it's clear, I make it a policy to not visit that forum at all, but someone drew my attention to the Cees login a while ago and I did some digging.
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Cees nearly got me i nearly paid him £40.00 for star trek uk brand new and sealed was just about to pay him then anther member who i know from ebay posted on his thread that he just paid him for star trek and other titles. So i never paid him and asked him if he still got it he never replied he such a nice bloke always replyed back to me looks like i had luky escape.
Cees nearly got me i nearly paid him £40.00 for star trek uk brand new and sealed was just about to pay him then anther member who i know from ebay posted on his thread that he just paid him for star trek and other titles. So i never paid him and asked him if he still got it he never replied he such a nice bloke always replyed back to me looks like i had luky escape.

You definitely did Karl. Feel free to PM me or another mod here if you have questions about any trader on this forum.

And my note of caution with trades - unless I've done trades before with the member and he's listing a whole lot of high value steels, it's best to do some investigation before sending the funds straight away.
Frigging people with no dignity piss me off. I am having trouble with a person from germany. pennymclaine is the user. They sent me the g1 version of death race. Complete BS and they stated the emobssed version and even have a picture of the emobossed OOP g2.

I emailed and explained I am a collector and know better and this was there response.

"i have bought this in the media markt"

I am giving them until the end of the day and I contact ebay.
Frigging people with no dignity piss me off. I am having trouble with a person from germany. pennymclaine is the user. They sent me the g1 version of death race. Complete BS and they stated the emobssed version and even have a picture of the emobossed OOP g2.

I emailed and explained I am a collector and know better and this was there response.

"i have bought this in the media markt"

I am giving them until the end of the day and I contact ebay.

If you need someone to "communicate" with this guy/gal you can count on me :D

BTW aint i suppose to be helping you out on DeathRace? Hope Paypal clears that up for you.

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Reactions: blu-steel
If you need someone to "communicate" with this guy/gal you can count on me :D

BTW aint i suppose to be helping you out on DeathRace? Hope Paypal clears that up for you.


I forgot about that. Deathrace and zimmer 1408. I can't even remember if I sent payment or not. Shoot me a p.m. with the info if I haven't.
I saw a couple of Hilton on that list. IT"S NOT ME. If anybody wants to check my ratings on Ebay. User name is rhiltonflix.
With zero feedback, I'd personally stay away...there are others who are much more established, that occasionally have these titles-just set up alerts. Good luck deciding!