Real Steel (Blu-ray Viva Metal Box) (Blufans Exclusive #1) [China]


Jul 23, 2011
Blufans site Exclusive Metal Box (Viva) coming soon, embossed design, limited edition 1000.



inside art.jpg
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I was informed that the cover had a slight change.
The upper part of the cover is now changed to fill with audience instead of plain blue.
What you guys think ?? The original cover looks better or the revised is better ??

You're seriously asking??? The new one is PURE AWESOMESSS!!!!! 500% better since, as you said, it's not just plain blue!

This is going to be THE edition to have!
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I was hoping for something different. I like to have exclusive artwork. Not similar to the viva case.

This will just devalue the viva pack now.
This is what I'm worried about. I just hope it doesn't devalue it a whole helluva lot. :ohno:

The thing is, the viva packs had the chance to double in value. Now I see it holding about 20% higher instead of double. Gonna be 4000 steelbooks with the same art. Oh well.

The only way I could see the value of the viva's go up is if they lazer scribed each number on each one on the outside of the viva box.
The thing is, the viva packs had the chance to double in value. Now I see it holding about 20% higher instead of double. Gonna be 4000 steelbooks with the same art. Oh well.

The only way I could see the value of the viva's go up is if they lazer scribed each number on each one on the outside of the viva box.

I was so stoked because I thought it was unique to blufans and then the one from the Netherlands with the same artwork came out and I was like 'what the hell', can't they be original and unique from each other for a change. If they were numbered it would have been a blessing but haven't they gone to print already? Oh well, just gotta roll with the punches I guess. :rolleyes:

I have to add that the artwork is awesome though just wish it was changed up a bit. :) I wonder what the inside artwork will be like...
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I remembered Alex posted a slight change to the cover art of the version from And I wonder if that was because they knew about this NL release. Look at post #88 on that thread (link)

Just in case - here is the updated cover art. So it is exclusive and unique. I strongly believe we can all relaxed now :)

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I just received an update from the Blufans mod regarding this release.
The artwork Blufans have is definitely exclusive for the 1000pcs, they are all numbered.

I do not want to speculate what would be the artwork looks like, but it would be different from what Blufans having. Including the inside artwork. Unless this SB release have info of the inside artwork Blufans is having and they copied it, else.. it should not have the same inside artwork. The inside artwork is the origin work of the blufans mod himself.

As explained previously, all artwork designs and approval are from Disney itself.
Whether Asia representative and Europe representative are under the same team is totally different issues.
What have been agreed and done in Asia might not be make known to Europe continent rep.
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