The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Ext. Edition) (3D+2D Jumbo Blu-ray SteelBook) [UK]


The 'Negative' Ninja
Premium Supporter
Feb 12, 2012
Release date: November 11th, 2013
Purchase links:

Notes: 5 discs
Features a 13-Minute Longer Cut and 
 Nearly Nine Hours of New Special Features




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The extended edition of this film was announced before the theatrical cut hit store shelves. This was also true of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I'd say that's pretty fair.

And 7 months is hardly 'just weeks.'

If you want to feel like you've been tricked into double-dipping, then that's your prerogative; but you haven't.

That's all great if you happen to follow Warner's on-off unreliable announcements about such things, if you don't then you're boned.

These are the people Warner are preying on with this separate release extended edition nonsense.
As already said, we all knew that this was coming before the second movie hits the big screen.
I didn't care for the choice of art on the standard release so here's hoping this one is more to my taste.
As much as I enjoyed the film, Im not sure a film that was already too long needs to be extended any more...

With the original trilogy, I waited and bought the extended dvd sets with the figures, I didnt own the theatrical versions at all until I bought the bluray boxset, Ive since bought the extended bluray set as its come right down in price lately. With the hobbit trilogy Im tempted to do it the other way round (as Ive already got the hobbit steelbook) and buy the theatricals then buy an extended version boxset at a later date once all 3 films have been released, or wait again for the inevitable 6 film 'saga' set ...
I am so curious to see the steelbook artwork :cool:

Does anyone know how long is the extended edition from the regular?(example 20 minutes, 30 minutes) :thumbs:
Does anyone know how long is the extended edition from the regular?(example 20 minutes, 30 minutes) :thumbs:

Pretty sure I've read that Jackson says it will add around 22-25 minutes of extended footage. I'll try and look for the interview it was in tomorrow.
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Extended Edition + 3D + 2D + Extras + Steelbook = I'm so buying this as soon as the link comes live. :)

This is what I'm talking about. A real edition for collectors. :)

What would be a real treat for the fans is if they announced that these extended steelbooks could be collected in a special case when the last film comes out - like something that holds all three films. After the fiasco of the LOTR films coming out on 3 separate formats I kinda dodged the bullet with DVD but at the time did actually buy each extended edition on VHS (remember them?) and recently bought the extended boxset on blu-ray (£17.50, who wouldn't). I'm not that fussed about 3D, but I am interested in the extended cuts as I personally enjoyed the first film and didn't particularly care the film was already so long (people wanting the LOTR theatrical cuts a little longer and praising the extended editions...then complaining about the length of The Hobbit theatrical pleasing some people)!

I'm not an impatient person when it comes to watching a film but I can be when it comes to the time it takes for a film to reach home video! I also am not that fussed about 3D outside of a cinema - even then I will only see it in IMAX if I have to at all, unless there are literally no 2D showings (sometimes happens with tentpole films after the first week of release). I have a 3D HDTV and a 3D-compatible blu-ray player, but so far haven't bothered even looking out for the glasses to use them with, nor pay huge amounts for a 3D film (I did buy Dredd, but watched it in 2D and thought it was good but not great so sold it on).
We all knew? Well consider me somebody who didn't know. But I don't care because I won't be buying this anyway.

where were you hiding EEK!

All seriousness tho it was all that was talked about on any hobbit thread on almost any site. Also they did the same with LOTR on dvd and blu-ray?

Just some retailer "screwed up" and I believe WB even had it up on their site...

Now we just play the waiting game with hopefully some different art. And I would not mind a 2d release.

Im expecting some other bonus stuff as well not in the original release.

And if you really dont care why keep posting ?

ps. They will prob release the 2nd movie in a extended version before the final film is released . Just want to give you a years notice So you have no excuse for not knowing . :p
That's all great if you happen to follow Warner's on-off unreliable announcements about such things, if you don't then you're boned.

These are the people Warner are preying on with this separate release extended edition nonsense.

At the end of the day, the best they can do is make the announcement, which they have. The extras and commentaries of these editions take much of the year to assemble, so the theatrical cut allows them to release something when expected after the 17 week cinema exclusivity.
This was always on the cards. I remember at the time of the release of the original Steelbook, many were saying they would wait for the extended version. Anyone who thought that Warner wouldn't release an extended version were naive really. They will squeeze as much cash as they can out of this and The Lord of the Rings. I wouldn't be surprised to see those get a UK Steelbook release.
I knew they'd release an extended edition, but I didn't think they'd do another steelbook for it.

No, I didn't expect that either.

Even so, I'm still happy to have picked up the Singapore 3D version with slip. That was a great package.

Those people who bought all the different versions and all the different French covers must be starting to feel a bit sore by now though.
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