[WINNER CHOSEN] [Ninja Week '15 Give-away] Guardians of the Galaxy Best Buy Steelbook

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Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010

Contest is open until March 1, 2015.

Interested in winning this beauty?

Ladies & Gents of HiDefNinja.com - tell us some of the crazy things that you might have done to help your "wingman" (or "winglady") "score" with the opposite sex. Keep it clean, and keep it funny!

I pretended to be Irish on st.paddys day to help my mate score with some bird.

I remember singing "In the Ghetto" with an irish elvis impression whilst waiting to get into a club. The 2 ladies in front thought it was so good they didnt leave us all night, both my mate and i scored! (Seperately !)

However, i remember waking up the following morning, turning round to say morning to this lass and forgot the irish accent!!

She saw the funny side after another date
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Haha good question
I would totally play a girls gay best friend to get into her mind and push her into my mates arms
Abit like Boat Trip that's a decent little comedy film lol
i pretend i was drunk and annoying to my friend, so he can be the gentlemen who rescue the girl

thanks for the give away !
i pretended i was street magician and pulled some awful tricks and then my mate vcame up with lines like feel that ? that boyfriend material
Attempting to help out my wingman dould be a difficult task.

However if it was for all the right reasons, id probably pull a Mr Deeds and setup a mugging.

Then my wingman would naturally come to my aid & reclaim the stolen item along with a slight kick to my butt before making it out the door for cover. :D
I pretended to be a homeless junkie, because my friend wanted to score with with some hippie chick :D (he did not get lucky that night ;)) My performance was top notch tough :thumbs:

Thanks for the giveaway :thumbs:
I was in SouthSudan with another Swedish friend and the ladies at work (UN) had a "keen eye" on both of us. When my friend went out of the office I explained that he was wearing a "fake" wedding ring and that he was acctually looking for a wife, but he was shy. I added in that he was stinking rich also.

Oh, what fun I had when he came back...they chased him around all week! :)
Amazing question. Had a few wingman moments and vice versa.

I'm quite talkative and easy to get on with plus i love talking to randoms when im out and meeting new people But basically had a few times (and this might sound horrible) where a friend has liked someone and the lady in question has been with a friend who lets say is not my taste (we will leave it at that and your imagination) and I've basically gone and chatted up the "friend" and taken one for the team so my mate could come in and chat to the one he liked or I introduced her to my mate after getting to know them a bit. Sometimes went wrong and they have both eneded up preferring me (I think - or just didn't like my pal).

Also had a few times where I've basically given my friends my room (in my old flat in Birmingham - or just invited everyone back to mine to keep the party going - it used to get messy) and given mates my room back in the day when I had free houses at my parents place. Lol ol the old days
Thanks for the giveaway
I just would have hignlighted his qualities in the conversation to make the girl interested in him
Easy: just spend the night laughing at all his jokes and make sure that you alway tell stories that show his good side.
A little exaggeration goes all long way too! :D
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