[WINNER CHOSEN]Win a set of NL Breaking Bad Steelbooks at hidefninja.com!

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Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
Winner chosen


*Sec sup note-please leave in main Steelbook forum

We're excited to announce that our friend Bert at 'Movies Blu-ray' (International shoppers) /That's Entertainment (Dutch market) in the Netherlands have graciously offered to donate a full set of the Netherlands BREAKING BAD Steelbook set, to help us celebrate the release of this limited edition!

For non NL shoppers, you can shop other Dutch Exclusive Steelbook releases at Bert's shop:
movies bluray netherlands.jpg

To enter:

Please reply with:

1) Your top 3 favorite moments from the show or your favorite 3 quotes (

3 reasons you why you want to win the set

2) Post a pic of your 3 favorite NL Steelbooks you own or wish to own

The random winner will be chosen on Tuesday, October 21,2014.

Good luck Ninjas & thanks for your support of Bert's shop & hidefninja.com!

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Winner: sirdizzy



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Another late entry! I hope I'm eligible, if not, its my bad :D

Thanx anyway!!

Favourite moments

1. I Am The One Who Knocks

2. The call in Ozymandias

3. The explosion in episode 1x06

Favourite NL steelbooks

I own

I obviously want


and also

Thanks for the amazing giveaway.
I completely forgot to enter, I was going to post my favourite moments/scenes but I'm not sure how to do spoilers so I'll leave that for now.

The reasons I want to win this set are:

1. I absolutely love breaking bad to bits and have loads of favourite scenes and moments. Hank, Mike and Saul are personal favourites but Cranston and Paul are just epic at their characters.
2. I'm a massive fan of Ralph steadman and I'm loving this art and really want to sit then proud on my shelf. Can't wait for back and inside art
3. I really want that box it comes with, plus the zavvi versions are expensive on their own and don't come with the box.

My top 3 NL steels are

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