
Premium Supporter
Oct 22, 2011
Czech Republic
Release date: August 6, 2012
Purchase link: Iron Man (Sold-out)
Notes: Limited to 4000, Embossed


ironman_play.jpg 04.jpg
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Official Hi-Def Ninja Video
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Either way, the Kimchi IM thread will be a humdinger when it's announced.

If Kimchi's is a FS and Play beater - those that own either of them will erupt. If it's a pile of s**t, those that don't already own one will kick off.

I am very fortunate that I could pick up an Iron Man play com on the german market about a year ago, for only €50,- !! a real bargain and in excellent condition


The Pirates steels and the Transformers revenge of the fallen (Canada) I also purchased them on the german market